Australian supermodel Elle Macpherson abruptly terminated an interview with three radio hosts after a question regarding her citizenship and voting practices. The incident occurred during a promotional call for her new book, which addresses her cancer journey and various business endeavors.

Elle Macpherson Cuts Radio Interview Short After Citizenship Question Sparks Controversy

Elle Macpherson Ends Interview Following Citizenship Inquiry

During a phone interview on B105 with Stav Davidson, Matt Acton, and Loren Barry, Macpherson was discussing her latest book project, which covers her battle with cancer and experiences in the entertainment industry. The conversation took an unexpected turn when questions arose about her Australian citizenship status and voting from her residence in Miami. Despite expressing her desire not to engage in political discussions, the question proved to be a breaking point, leading her to end the communication abruptly.

Controversial Claims Surrounding Health Decisions

Macpherson has stirred controversy lately due to her claims of opting for a holistic approach to her breast cancer treatment instead of following medical advice after her diagnosis seven years ago. Despite achieving remission, she garnered criticism from both cancer survivors and medical professionals for these comments. In her defense, Macpherson stated that her book is not a comprehensive guide on cancer, but rather includes personal reflections on decision-making during challenging times.

Medical Community Responds to Health Claims

In response to her remarks, prominent figures in the medical community voiced their concern. Cancer researcher Dr. David Robert Grimes described her choice as "incredibly irresponsible," emphasizing that holistic therapies should not replace scientifically validated treatments. The Cancer Council highlighted the potential dangers of alternative therapies, which may mislead patients away from effective medical care.

Criticism from Cancer Survivors and Experts

Survivor Patrice Capogreco criticized Macpherson's privileged position, indicating that most individuals lack the same support and resources for alternative medical advice. Critics argue that her public statements carry a dangerous gravity, potentially misleading individuals who face similar health battles. Despite the backlash, Macpherson expressed gratitude for the dialogue her claims have sparked, indicating a broader conversation about health choices.

Insights on HER2 Positive Intraductal Carcinoma

Medical expert Chris Pyke outlined the nature of HER2 positive oestrogen-receptive intraductal carcinoma, clarifying that while a lumpectomy can be a suitable treatment, the condition can escalate if untreated. He emphasized the importance of a careful approach when dealing with precancerous developments, underscoring the significance of professional medical intervention.