A local footy final was abruptly halted during the third quarter after a severe injury occurred to a player. Hamish Curtis, a member of De La Salle, suffered a broken leg in a match against Old Ivanhoe, leading to a significant delay in emergency medical assistance.

Local Footy Final Halted After De La Salle Player Suffers Horrific Broken Leg Injury

The Incident During the Match

During the VAFA Premier B reserves preliminary final at Trevor Barker Beach Oval, Hamish Curtis sustained a horrific injury to his right shin while attempting to tackle Old Ivanhoe player Jack Harper. The incident unfolded as Curtis moved in to make contact, causing Harper's foot to inadvertently collide with Curtis’s leg, resulting in a noticeable break. Witnesses reported hearing a disturbing sound at the moment of impact, and Curtis fell to the ground in visible distress, with his shin bent at an unnatural angle.

Local Footy Final Halted After De La Salle Player Suffers Horrific Broken Leg Injury

Emergency Response and Delays

At 1:24 PM, 16 minutes into the third quarter, the game was effectively in De La Salle's favor with a score of 70-12. However, the arrival of an ambulance did not occur until 1:54 PM, 30 minutes after Curtis fell. He remained motionless, enduring severe pain as he awaited medical assistance. A quick-thinking supporter, who was an off-duty paramedic, managed to convey the severity of the situation to emergency services, heightening the urgency for medical intervention.

Local Footy Final Halted After De La Salle Player Suffers Horrific Broken Leg Injury

Impact on Players and Spectators

Initially, players from both teams anticipated a delay before continuing the match. However, it became apparent that moving Curtis would take an extended period, leading to the cancellation of the game. De La Salle was declared the winner by default. Meanwhile, players preparing for the subsequent senior match were instructed to move away from the area near the ambulance as the situation unfolded, with witnesses recalling Curtis's cries for help amid the chaotic scene.

Medical Treatment and Aftermath

Curtis, who had scored two goals earlier in the match, was treated in extreme pain. Paramedics took longer than usual to transfer him onto a stretcher, with any slight movements causing further distress. An ECG was set up to monitor his heart rate during this challenging time. The process to get him onto the hydraulic bed for transportation to the ambulance was finally completed by 2:36 PM, and the ambulance departed at 2:41 PM. Meanwhile, a statement from Old Ivanhoe conveyed wishes for Curtis's speedy recovery from the injury. De La Salle opted not to release a comment via social media during the critical moments of the incident.