AFL icon Nathan Buckley has shared the challenges his partner Brodie Ryan faces as she battles epilepsy. At a recent event supporting the Walk for Epilepsy initiative, Buckley disclosed how Ryan's condition changed drastically over the years.

Nathan Buckley Discusses Partner Brodie Ryan's Epilepsy Struggles and Stigma

Nathan Buckley speaks candidly about Brodie Ryan's epilepsy journey

During the event, Buckley opened up about Ryan's health struggles, mentioning that she has experienced seizures for the past three to four years. He acknowledged that it is not his personal story to share, but felt compelled to speak about the impact of her condition on both their lives. Buckley revealed he was unaware of epilepsy prior to meeting Ryan in 2022, stating, It’s not something that creeps up on you. It hits hard and it hits quickly.

Nathan Buckley Discusses Partner Brodie Ryan's Epilepsy Struggles and Stigma

The significance of support in the fight against epilepsy

Buckley elaborated on the fear associated with Ryan's sudden health changes, describing how she can go from functioning normally to experiencing a seizure without warning. He emphasised the ongoing process of understanding the causes behind her episodes, which adds to the challenges they face. Stigma surrounding epilepsy often leads to misconceptions, which Buckley hopes to address as they continue to navigate her condition together.

Support for fellow AFL legends and raising awareness

Additionally, Buckley is taking part in the Walk for Epilepsy to support fellow AFL greats like Neil Balme and Brett Ratten, both of whom have personal connections to the condition. Balme, who has experienced epilepsy himself, spoke about the importance of raising awareness, stating that one in 25 people are affected by it, spanning all ages.

Community involvement through Walk for Epilepsy

The initiative encourages participants to walk 4 kilometres a day for 25 days, promoting physical activity while raising awareness about epilepsy. Balme recounted his own experience with seizures and emphasised the need for greater understanding of the condition, while Ratten joined the campaign in light of his daughter Tilly's battle with epilepsy. Together, they aim to shed light on the experiences of those living with this neurological condition.