The heartwarming love story of Sophie Delezio and Joseph Salerno marks a remarkable journey from childhood friends to partners in life. Their bond, which began at a young age, blossomed into a romantic relationship leading to the joyful arrival of their first child.

Sophie Delezio and Joseph Salerno: From Childhood Friends to Engaged Parents of Baby Frankie

The Early Years of Friendship Between Sophie and Joseph

Sophie Delezio and Joseph Salerno's paths first intertwined at the tender age of six while they were on the same swim team. However, it was not until Sophie transferred to a high school in Northern Beaches that they properly met. Joseph attended the same school, and by the time Sophie entered the ninth grade, their friendship flourished. As they navigated through high school together, their bond strengthened, remaining steadfast even when Sophie moved to London for her studies in 2019.

Sophie Delezio and Joseph Salerno: From Childhood Friends to Engaged Parents of Baby Frankie

Rekindling Their Relationship After Time Apart

When Sophie returned from her studies in the UK, she and Joseph reconnected, with Joseph realizing how deeply he had missed her presence. The turning point came when Joseph bravely confessed his feelings to Sophie, initiating the next chapter of their love story.

Sophie Delezio and Joseph Salerno: From Childhood Friends to Engaged Parents of Baby Frankie

Celebrating Love and Milestones Together

Officially a couple since June 2020, Sophie and Joseph marked their first anniversary on June 11, 2021. Sophie expressed her joy on Instagram, highlighting the magic of their year together. Joseph recounted the moment he revealed his feelings for Sophie, remembering how he showcased her photo to her when he declared his emotions. The couple soon began their romantic relationship following that pivotal conversation.

A Bright Future Ahead as They Prepare for Marriage

Although Sophie and Joseph are not married yet, they took a significant step by getting engaged in April 2023, with plans for a wedding set for October 2024. Sophie shared her thoughts in an interview about their partnership, emphasizing how Joseph's understanding nature and readiness to support her have solidified their bond.

Welcoming a New Chapter with the Birth of Their First Child

On September 14, 2024, Sophie joyfully announced the birth of their first child on Instagram, sharing a heartfelt message about welcoming their son, Frankie, into the world. This new chapter in their love story reflects the depth of their relationship and the joy of family.