Tensions on the set of the film adaptation of Colleen Hoover's novel, It Ends With Us, have become a topic of conversation, particularly surrounding the relationship between stars Blake Lively and Justin Baldoni. Amidst ongoing speculation, crew members confirm an atmosphere of unease, with insights shedding light on the dynamics between the actors.

Tensions Revealed: Feud Between Blake Lively and Justin Baldoni Surfaces on *It Ends With Us* Set

Crew Members Offer Insight Into On-Set Tensions

According to three crew members involved in the production, the feud between Blake Lively and Justin Baldoni was widely acknowledged on set. One crew member disclosed to Rolling Stone that it was common knowledge among staff that the two stars harboured ill feelings towards each other. However, they clarified that the relationship was complex, stating, 'I don't think they hate each other. But I don't think they would work together again.'

Tensions Revealed: Feud Between Blake Lively and Justin Baldoni Surfaces on *It Ends With Us* Set

Creative Differences Contribute to the Rift

Reports have surfaced indicating that the tension stemmed primarily from creative disagreements rather than personal animosity. Sources noted that Lively and Baldoni's vastly different artistic styles contributed to their disconnect. While Lively approached her work with a practical and business-oriented mindset, Baldoni’s artistic vision diverged significantly. This mismatch played a substantial role in their inability to collaborate comfortably.

Tensions Revealed: Feud Between Blake Lively and Justin Baldoni Surfaces on *It Ends With Us* Set

Project Management Challenges Faced by Baldoni

As both a producer and director, Baldoni faced challenges in managing the project effectively, particularly as conflicting ideas emerged about the film’s direction. Crew members suggested that Lively, who had significant financial investment in the film, inadvertently limited Baldoni's ability to enforce his vision. The source expressed that Baldoni excels as an actor's director but struggled with the overarching direction required for this project.

Gradual Withdrawal of Lively During Production

As production progressed, crew members noticed Lively's decreasing presence on set. One crew member remarked that if she hadn't been contractually obligated, she might have considered abandoning the project altogether. Initially motivated and engaged, Lively's enthusiasm reportedly waned with increasing tensions with Baldoni.

Perceptions of the Work Environment

Despite the underlying tensions, crew members refuted claims that the work environment was hostile. They emphasised that both actors maintained professionalism throughout the filming process, with no explosive conflicts occurring on set. Both Lively and Baldoni expressed their opinions in discussions, but maintained a civil atmosphere, with no instance of public confrontation.

Film Success vs. Behind-the-Scenes Drama

Despite the off-screen dynamics, It Ends With Us has achieved considerable commercial success, grossing $267 million AUD globally within three weeks of its release. This success highlights the film's impactful narrative that resonates with audiences, dealing with profound themes of domestic violence. Speculation regarding the sequel, It Starts With Us, remains tentative, particularly in light of the reported tensions between its leads, complicating the path forward. However, Baldoni has indicated a willingness to step back from directing a potential sequel, even suggesting Lively as a possible director for the project.